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June 17 2013 |
Deep in thought; contemplative.
1. Contemplation; meditation.
2. A product of contemplation; a thought. "an elegant tapestry of quotations, musings, aphorisms, and autobiographical reflections" (James Atlas).
The following post has no particular relevance to anything of a significant nature . It is but the ramblings of another " Old Goat " pretty much put out to pasture by father time who is simply chewing the cud by commenting about every day life in these pastures . In other words , just thoughts about things .
Monday Morning Musings " may " become a weekly post but will be determined by interest , mine and others , events of a news worthy nature and the state of mind of the old goat doing the musing . One characteristic this old goat has adopted from Philippine culture is to never plan ahead too far . :-)
In The News
A subject of interest to locals recently has been the opening of the new airport that will serve this area in Laguindingan . Of special interest has been the topic of transportation to and from the airport in general and taxi fares in particular . Some have said that drivers are suggesting 1200 - 1800 peso one way to Cagayan de Oro .
Now , my first thoughts upon hearing these amounts mentioned were somewhere along the lines of " this ain't New York or London " . And , in fact it ain't even Cebu or Manila . In US dollars we are talking $ 30 - 45 for a taxi ride of about 30 kilometres or 20 miles .
In fact , someone pointed out that even the governmental body that regulates taxi rates suggestion of standard meter fare would be more costly than the plane ticket they had purchased to Davao . :-)
Don't get me wrong , i am not against someone making an honest profit for a service rendered but those numbers are not a reflection of an honest profit for this culture . Any way you shake it it still comes out as salt rather than cinnamon .
Ah , Facebook , the Philippine mirror . What i mean by that is that if i want to know what folks are doing in these pastures Facebook is the place to go first to find out . Doesn't matter if it's an individual or a Philippine grocery store chain operation . It's where Filipinos are for better or worse .
Now , one can debate why this is so beyond the obvious rationale that the Philippine culture is very socially gregarious and some do . It is an interesting fact that this country per capita has the highest Facebook usage yet one of the lowest internet usages in all of Asia .
Some have also suggested that Facebook gives one an open forum for sharing their thoughts , etc. but so do other venues of a similar nature . Some have also suggested that there are basically three kinds of people that frequent Facebook on a heavy basis .
The young , because they have yet to make a life for themselves ; the old , because they have already lived most of their life and by extension have lots of time on their hands; and those in between , who for whatever reason have too much time on their hands . :-)
Further divisions have been postulated regarding this culture and the Facebook phenomena involving a concept very basic to the human species . The simple need to belong , be a part of or participate in . Some seem to have a greater need than others of course but culture does seem to be a factor .
It is a fact that some first world countries have the lowest Facebook usage with the US being prominently mentioned . Logic would suggest that's because Americans lead busier lives or have more options in regards to their time . Some have even suggested it's because Americans are more paranoid though i find that argument pretty shallow . :-)
Some have even suggested that a natural byproduct of being born into a third world culture and by extension large family units leads to a need for attention in one form or another . There may be some merit to that argument based on the fact that some folks have picture albums on Facebook with hundreds of photos of themselves and with friends .
One could argue " how many times do you need to see the same people " in a photo of course . Personally , i have to look at me every morning and i ain't the prettiest sight that early so i will leave this one for the head doctors . And , sometimes discretion is the better part of valour . :-)
One final note related to Facebook has to do with Gaming . I do not play on - line games . Have stated this in the past on my Facebook account page but still get requests to do so about every day . Now , what someone does with their time is fine with me but gaming is just not my thing .
Maybe it generational to an extent but at my age i just find life far too interesting to spend it playing games . As such , i would rather be using the computer to do something else . As for telephones i am old school as well preferring to use them to contact someone rather than play angry birds .
Thinking that's enough musing for today i am off to the kitchen . Don't know for what but will find out when i get there .
Have A Great Day !
Ah , Facebook , the Philippine mirror . What i mean by that is that if i want to know what folks are doing in these pastures Facebook is the place to go first to find out . Doesn't matter if it's an individual or a Philippine grocery store chain operation . It's where Filipinos are for better or worse .
Now , one can debate why this is so beyond the obvious rationale that the Philippine culture is very socially gregarious and some do . It is an interesting fact that this country per capita has the highest Facebook usage yet one of the lowest internet usages in all of Asia .
Some have also suggested that Facebook gives one an open forum for sharing their thoughts , etc. but so do other venues of a similar nature . Some have also suggested that there are basically three kinds of people that frequent Facebook on a heavy basis .
The young , because they have yet to make a life for themselves ; the old , because they have already lived most of their life and by extension have lots of time on their hands; and those in between , who for whatever reason have too much time on their hands . :-)
Further divisions have been postulated regarding this culture and the Facebook phenomena involving a concept very basic to the human species . The simple need to belong , be a part of or participate in . Some seem to have a greater need than others of course but culture does seem to be a factor .
It is a fact that some first world countries have the lowest Facebook usage with the US being prominently mentioned . Logic would suggest that's because Americans lead busier lives or have more options in regards to their time . Some have even suggested it's because Americans are more paranoid though i find that argument pretty shallow . :-)
Some have even suggested that a natural byproduct of being born into a third world culture and by extension large family units leads to a need for attention in one form or another . There may be some merit to that argument based on the fact that some folks have picture albums on Facebook with hundreds of photos of themselves and with friends .
One could argue " how many times do you need to see the same people " in a photo of course . Personally , i have to look at me every morning and i ain't the prettiest sight that early so i will leave this one for the head doctors . And , sometimes discretion is the better part of valour . :-)
One final note related to Facebook has to do with Gaming . I do not play on - line games . Have stated this in the past on my Facebook account page but still get requests to do so about every day . Now , what someone does with their time is fine with me but gaming is just not my thing .
Maybe it generational to an extent but at my age i just find life far too interesting to spend it playing games . As such , i would rather be using the computer to do something else . As for telephones i am old school as well preferring to use them to contact someone rather than play angry birds .
Thinking that's enough musing for today i am off to the kitchen . Don't know for what but will find out when i get there .
Have A Great Day !