Friday, July 26, 2013

Facebook Fasting

Around my house there is a morning ritual that i have become quite accustomed too . Because i am the oldest folk in the house i am the earliest riser . Which is a bit ironic i suppose given that i have no job to get up early for having already had a life for the most part while others yet to make one for themselves are yet to stir .   :-)

As a part of my normal routine i make a coffee and boot up the computer to see what's going on around the planet . For a non Filipino that usually means checking headline news from various sources .  For a Filipino it generally means dialling up Facebook  and making some money for Mr. Zuckerberg , the founding father .

The reason behind the above statement is of course because the Philippine culture is known to be very socially gregarious . This just happens to be a culture where folks thoroughly enjoy sharing their lives on line and especially the picture taking parts . Given that the country has a low internet usage per capita of around 33 % the fact that of that 33 % going online 89 % are Facebook users says alot .

Because i am first up and using the primary computer in the house and also because i don't use cell phones to connect to the internet i regard my time on line as somewhat sacred .. Because a trip to the kitchen or elsewhere generally means i will lose my place at the computer via sneak attack i was genuinely  surprised this am when my wife said she didn't want to turn on Facebook .

When i asked why she informed me that she was doing a Facebook Fast for a week . After having my laugh i had to admit that the idea had merit . I did jokingly remark to her that she might find out that she could do without it though i doubt that will occur .

Haven't run across any social media addiction studies as yet but i am sure they are out there and if there is such a thing as a societal addiction Facebook would have to be it for this culture , along with camera addiction of course .   :-)

On second thought maybe i will just do a Facebook Fasting Poll on Facebook just to see how many folks might sign up .  Just kidding folks...

                                                        Have A Great Day

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