Saturday, March 23, 2013

Have You Ever Wondered ?

 Living just next door to " Who Would Have Thunk It " is " Have You Ever Wondered " . They are good buddies as " Old Goats go and are frequently seen ruminating together . Just the other day " Have You Ever Wondered " was asking " Who Would Have Thunk It " some of these questions .

Does anyone ever fall off these things ( the jeepney above ) ? Why do taxi operators get significant rate increases and jeepney and tricycle drivers get 1 peso  when far more folks rides the latter two ? Have you ever seen a policeman give a traffic ticket to someone " not " involved in an  accident  or to a  jeepney driver who can least afford to pay them?

Why do public transportation vehicles have to stop for gas so frequently and on the passengers time rather than when empty of passengers ? And why is it that jeepneys and vans have to do the " Charlie Tuna " thing and put 16 into a vehicle designed for 12 or completely disregard seating capacity in the first place ? 

How do you get issued a drivers license without proving that you know how to drive and is  knowing how to park only required in western countries ? Does anyone here use antifreeze/coolant except foreigners ? Have you ever wondered if anyone besides you has never seen a stop sign here and is this the only place where sidewalks are not for walking ?   :-)

How can a Save More grocery owned by S & M tell you they can't get whatever the product is you wish to purchase when you can  buy it at an S & M or another chain in other cities especially when these where a bouts are known as a " port city " . And why is lettuce grown in Mindanao shipped to Manila , then back to CDO when it all goes through CDO's port in the first place ? Banana Ketchup ?

Has anyone besides " Have You Ever Wondered " had a credit or debit card rejected when purchasing a transportation ticket because the bank that issues the card was a family name that the transport owner family didn't like ( I'm not making this stuff up folks )  :-) How come money trees only grow in western cultures and have you ever gotten strange looks when you tell someone you have to put money in the bank in order to get it out of an atm ?

Does the Philippines have more official "  holidays " than any other country on the planet ? Ever wonder why in a country where most of the newspapers are in English and the tv shows have multiple subtitles you can't find Philippine news in English on tv in a city this size ? Why do subdivisions have street signs but addresses go by block and lot numbers ?

 Why are blackouts called brownouts ? Had an electric company engineer tell me one time it was only a blackout if the whole city lost power and a brown out when only part of the city lost power .  :-) Why do subdivisions use standard light bulbs that burn 24 hrs a day  instead of timed devices based on ambient light ? ( you know the answer ) .

Is it just me or does anyone else have a closet full of tie  dyed look clothes cause the person doing the laundry uses bleach on everything ?  Does anyone in your family have over 1, 200 pics stored on Facebook ? For that matter what does it mean when the Philippines has the highest concentration of Facebook users in the world while having one of the lowest internet usages in the world ?   :-)

And last but not least , is the ad i saw on tv imploring folks to sign up to become the first Philippine astronaut for real or a bad marketing idea ? And , for Pete's sake ... is Chris Aquino " really " resigning from showbiz ?

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