Thursday, March 21, 2013

Who Would Have Thunk It - part 2

Yeah , for sure i feel just like this guy at times and expect many other " old goats " have and do as well . There are of course many different approaches to dealing with " that's just the way it is here " as far as expat goats are concerned . Some just grin and bear it , some make a run to the drug store for an additional supply of BP medication and most probably fit somewhere between the two approaches .

The grin and bear it routine works best when observing things that don't effect you personally of course like the person that drops their trash on the payment or ground instead of walking the required two feet to the trash container staring at them .  :-) Or , the person in the grocery store check out lane with a basket full of stuff in the " 10 items or less line " .

Then there's  the constant traffic going the wrong way on a one way street while the cop stands on the corner and ignores ( common in certain parts of this here pasture ) . Then there are the panhandlers or beggars . All pastures have them of course and like most sometimes i donate and sometimes i don't . The dont's tend to be because it's the same ones day after day or the women hauling around the new born for months that never seems to grow any .   :-)

For certain there is a great deal of poverty in these pastures despite the numbers the government trots out about the Philippine GDP , inflation rate , etc . What those articles never seem to mention is the income disparity numbers in which last time i looked the Philippines excelled . And why is it that these pastures seem to be the only ones in Asia that have to import rice ? A recent article suggests it cheaper for local co - ops to smuggle in contraband rice than it is to grow their own .

Still trying to figure out how it is that there are so many high dollar vehicles out there when the average income is said to be so low and so few have bank accounts . Must be one of them there unanswerable questions like the chicken and the egg thingy .    :-) Speaking of chickens do they all appear to be undernourished just to me or is it because the locals just like smaller chickens ?

There are some scratch yer head things that are more related to the particular neighbourhood pasture you reside in as well . In the subdivision pasture i happen to reside in i wonder why it is that you get charged 5 pesos if you come home in a taxi but nothing when coming home in a tricycle .

 Or , why it is the guy on your street has multiple vehicles but still insists on hanging his garbage from the fence post in a plastic bag . He can't afford the outdoor trash can ( plastic ) much less the plastic liners , no doubt .   :-) Or , maybe it's because all the locals know that the guy that has the plastic container is a foreigner and he's rich .   :-)

Then too , foreign goats are known to do really weird things like use a rake instead of a bundle of sticks to clean the yard , a saw to cut a limb instead of a machete or if really rich a lawn mower to cut grass instead of a pair of hedge clippers . Guilty , well minus the mower part but i can't justify paying electric mower prices for push mowers . And , while we at it how come the locals can make a jeepney but not a push mower ?

Then there's the one that bugs me to no end cause i have it . Why do builders plant trees smack on the property line separating houses and as close to where the fence will go as possible ? Trees don't have roots that spread here ?   :-) And the best or worst one yet to date - the water line that someone put a concrete drive way over . Still , trying to sort through this one .

Come to think of it , i need to make a trip to the drug store as the BP meds are running low .  :-) 

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