Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Expat and the Home Country


 Expats and the Home Country 

Expats have varying degrees of interest and involvement with their home country after moving abroad . Most will have family , friends and other interests such as TV , Sports , etc. Some will care less and some more , depending on their personal situation . And some will engage social media in regards to what their home country will do , won't do , should do .. ad nauseum...   :-)   

The Nationalistic View 

It would be fair to say , i think , that most of us take some pride and angst in regards to our home country no matter which one it is . Logical , given that's where we come from and have most of our life experience . Sure , there's good natured ribbing among expats in local venues regarding each others home base but based on my experience not taken too seriously .

My Aussie and Brit friends can and do rag about the game of Football , American style versus Football in the rest of the world style . And don't even get me started about Cricket & Baseball . Or , whether America should be or is  the protector of the free world vs the big , bad meanie that butts into everyone else's business because it's in it's best interest to do so .

Actually , i suspect that many if not most expats have enough life experience to realize there is good , bad and ugly coming out of all countries . As an American by birth i have no problem in stating that America does things i am ashamed of at times . Yet , at other times , she makes me proud , as in the recent Philippine relief effort . In the end , what is a country , but it's people . 

The Intrepid Keyboard Warrior  

Everyone knows these types . They are everywhere but most especially on social media sites . Social Media offers a platform ( free , in most cases ) to reach out and " touch someone " so to speak . These are the folks that have opinions about pretty much everything and want everyone else to know so .  :-)

Since Facebook is the media choice for most in this culture i am more familiar with the Keyboard Warrior from this venue than any other . Though i take a passing interest in what America is doing for the most part unless it effects me directly i am not so inclined . 

Of recent interest to the American expat is the subject of ObamaCare and it's impact upon expats  , hence the reference below . If you are not American the information will probably not be of interest to you . Which means , of course that you can continue to post and show photos of what you had for breakfast , lunch and dinner or whatever else strikes your fancy . But , that's the beauty of social media , is it not ?     
  ObamaCare or the Affordable Care Act  

The stated  purpose of ObamaCare is to give more Americans access to affordable , quality health care while reducing health care costs in America . The act contains over 1,000 pages should one care to read it all .   :-) I choose not to read it all or even a significant portion for one very simple reason .

 I remain an American citizen but i do not remain in America .  I reside in the Philippines and absent a visit to America lasting a month or more it would have no effect upon me , one way or another . That Means , NO , I will Not Be Fined For Lack Of Insurance .

In fact there are several exclusions available for Americans that do not wish to participate . For a quick look at whether you might be able to avoid the morass follow the link provided .   Affordable Care Act   http://www.actuarialoutpost.com/actuarial_discussion_forum/showthread.php?t=267553  

To Publish or not to Publish 

It has been a good while since i opined upon this platform in part because at times you feel you are just talking to yourself and at other times because you have other interests .  Every once in a while someone will contact you via this blog or in person regarding something of interest to them . If you have something of interest to you and wish to share , by all means ... please do ..

Happy Holidays


  1. There is also the drunkard..lol which is normally several of the above but always includes the keyboard warrior.

    I think the nationalistic view is to do with too much time more than anything else. Also the media push to bug people about trivial matters. E.g. look at Facebook its moved away from dumb photos people post of themselves in funny poses to constantly posting media that is going to annoy people and cause debate.

  2. No, no, no, you are not just talking to yourself. Just stumbled upon your blog now and will keep reading. Hope you keep writing about your experience in the Philippines. :)

  3. Hi I am Gary, age 66, retired addiction counselor from military bases, also military disabled. I am following dream to live in foreign country--not being in war, or not on job there, just to enjoy. I worked with Filipino in the navy--good friend--who is telling me about his country. So i am looking into contact with expats who live there-that can give me feedback--best places where americans to live--i have id for access to USA military bases--to shop, or use gyms. Also how to get in touch with safe filipino gals to start friendship with long distance--email, skype--before i come there to live.
    I have passport--but what else is necessary to come stay there--live a few months to investigate before become permanent resident. And what other things i must manage before i come there..
    Also i am a recovering alcoholic--so like to find local AA meetings also.
